What is CE Certification and Why is it Important?

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In fact, these packs are useful for manufacturers who strive for self-certification by demystifying the process. As the kits provide a logical guide to the system, companies that would not normally engage self-certification are able to do so. This process assures consumers that the certified products they purchase are compliant with EU and UK regulations.

Each self-certification checklist contains all the appropriate regulatory requirements and actually provides a helpful step-by-step system for assessing and validating compliance. Importantly, the kits also help identify areas that need further assessments and more detailed analysis.

Along with the physical CE certification kits, the providers include up to 4 hours of consultancy to ensure the integrity of the CE marking process. The consultancy is usually used to sort through any challenges the kit presents. Many times, doors need slight revisions to meet the EU’s strict standards.

How the CE Self-Certification Kits Work

The manner in which the CE label and draft declaration are presented allow the manufacturer to input the relevant data into specific entries in the draft. This information might apply to the specific business or to the actual door model itself. This data must be completed before printing and issuing of the certification labels.

By following the careful step-by-step process as detailed by the kit, the certification can be accomplished in an orderly manner. This will lower the cost against competitors but still keep the certification process in line with regulations. Under terms of the Construction Products Regulation, the “notified Body” may engage and provide initial type testing where required.

The CE self-certification pack includes:

  • An instruction manual for the assessment process
  • A checklist for the Machinery Directive
  • A checklist for the Electromagnetic Compatibility
  • Checklist for Construction Products Regulation
  • Checklist for CPR Harmonised Standards
  • Declaration of Conformity
  • Draft Declaration of Performance
  • Draft of CE Marking Label
  • 4 Hours Consultancy

The following products can be self-certified using this kit:

  • Roller Shutters
  • Sectional Overhead doors
  • Horizontal sliding doors
  • Hinged overhead doors

Products that are not covered by the kit include:

  • Manually powered doors
  • Fire doors
  • Lock gates and dock gates
  • Doors on lifts
  • Doors on vehicles
  • Armoured doors
  • Revolving doors
  • Doors mainly for the retention of animals

The Importance of CE Marking

CE marking includes the CE logo and the four-digit identification number of the notified body who is involved in the assessment. The EU has used this marking system since 1985 and resembles the FCC Declaration of Conformity used in many electronic devices sold in the US.

The CE marking declares that the certified product meets standards set forth by the various EC directives. In Germany, the CE marking is said to mean “European Community mark.” The certification process protects consumers by ensuring reputable and safe manufacturing processes are in play.

The reach of CE marking is broad, not solely limited to doors and roller shitters. Electrical products must meet standards set forth in the Low Voltage Directive and in the EMC directive. Electrical toys must meet requirement set forth in the Toy Safety Directive. The essence of these directives and CE marking is to protect consumers, young and old.

Retailers usually refer to CE self-certification as CE approved products, which gives consumers a certain level of comfort. Ironically, the mark itself does not designate approval. In some cases, independent bodies must apply technical standards to certain products with the idea of ensuring safety compliance. The CE marking does not indicate that the independent body has evaluated or approved the product, merely that the manufacturers have.

For more information about our accreditations and certifications, get in touch today. Call UK Roller Shutters on 01384 221743 or contact us online.